

Object NameRequiredTypeDetail
proposal_statusStringThe status of the proposals. Please see below.
voterStringThe voter address for the proposals.
depositorStringThe deposit addresses from the proposals.
pagination.keyStringThe value returned in PageResponse.next_key to begin querying the next page most efficiently. If provided, then pagination.offset is not allowed.
pagination.offsetIntegerA numeric offset that can be used when pagination.key is unavailable. It is less efficient than pagination.key. If provided, then pagination.key is not allowed.
pagination.limitIntegerThe total number of results to be returned in the result page. If left empty it will default to a value to be set by each app.
pagination.count_totalBooleanIf set to true, the result will include a count of the total number of items available for pagination. count_total is only respected when offset is used. It is ignored when key is set.
pagination.reverseBooleanSet to true if results are to be returned in the descending order.

The status of the proposals:

  • PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED: the default proposal status
  • PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD: a proposal status during the deposit period.
  • PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD: a proposal status during the voting period.
  • PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED: a proposal status of a proposal that has passed.
  • PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED: a proposal status of a proposal that has been rejected.
  • PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED: a proposal status of a proposal that has failed.


All proposals based on given status.



curl <your-rest-endpoint>/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals?pagination.limit=2 \
  -X GET \
  -H "accept: application/json"


    "proposals": [
            "proposal_id": "1",
            "content": {
                "@type": "/",
                "title": "Adjustment of blocks_per_year to come aligned with actual block time",
                "description": "This governance proposal is for adjustment of blocks_per_year parameter to normalize the inflation rate and reward rate.\\n ipfs link:"
            "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",
            "final_tally_result": {
                "yes": "97118903526799",
                "abstain": "402380577234",
                "no": "320545400000",
                "no_with_veto": "0"
            "submit_time": "2019-03-20T06:41:27.040075748Z",
            "deposit_end_time": "2019-04-03T06:41:27.040075748Z",
            "total_deposit": [
                    "denom": "uatom",
                    "amount": "512100000"
            "voting_start_time": "2019-03-20T20:43:59.630492307Z",
            "voting_end_time": "2019-04-03T20:43:59.630492307Z"
            "proposal_id": "2",
            "content": {
                "@type": "/",
                "title": "ATOM Transfer Enablement",
                "description": "A plan is proposed to set up a testnet using the Cosmos SDK v0.34.0 release, along with mainnet conditions, plus transfer enablement and increased block size, as a testing ground. Furthermore, a path for upgrading the cosmoshub-1 chain to use the Cosmos SDK release v0.34.0, along with the necessary updates to the genesis file, at block 425000, is outlined. IPFS:"
            "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED",
            "final_tally_result": {
                "yes": "5195610593628",
                "abstain": "2619844783500",
                "no": "58322135404940",
                "no_with_veto": "43483296883256"
            "submit_time": "2019-03-25T21:42:19.240550245Z",
            "deposit_end_time": "2019-04-08T21:42:19.240550245Z",
            "total_deposit": [
                    "denom": "uatom",
                    "amount": "521400000"
            "voting_start_time": "2019-03-25T23:44:04.098630937Z",
            "voting_end_time": "2019-04-08T23:44:04.098630937Z"
    "pagination": {
        "next_key": "AAAAAAAAAAM=",
        "total": "0"