Stake CLV
1 Stake CLV
1.1 Set Up Wallet
Before you begin the staking process, ensure that you have the CLV mobile wallet installed from the Apple Store. You can download it here: CLV Wallet on the Apple Store.
1.2 Stake on CLV-M Chain
Once you've logged into your account on your phone, locate the "Networks" button and select CLV M chain.
Next, click the "stake" button and input the amount of CLV you wish to stake. Please keep in mind that you must maintain a minimum balance of at least 1 CLV to keep your account active.
1.3 Choose InfStones Validator
After clicking "Continue" from the previous step, you will gain access to a comprehensive list of validators. Once you've made your selection, please ensure you sign and confirm the transaction.
You will successful staking transactions in the history section.
2 Claim Rewards
To view your rewards, simply locate the "Reward" button and click on it. Then, select "View Full Reward History" to access a page where you can view your complete reward history in detail.
3 Unstake CLV
Click the "Unstake" button on the "Stake to Earn" page. Enter the desired unstaking amount, confirm your selection, and your unstaking request will be successfully processed.
Updated about 8 hours ago