Stake XTZ

1 Install Galleon Wallet

Before you can stake your XTZ, you need a wallet to manage your operations. We suggest using the Galleon Wallet as it makes interacting with the Tezos blockchain quite simple. Visit this link and click “ Download”

When you open the Galleon App on your computer, you have several options to choose from:

Open an existing wallet
Create a new wallet
Connect with ledger
We recommend choosing option B) for the new Galleon Wallet Users.

Let’s walk through the process to create a new wallet. Time to set up your password for this wallet, and click “ Continue”

Copy your seed phrase during this step and make sure it’s stored in a safe place.

Type in the required seed words to verify your account and click “ Next “ to finish the process.

Make sure to safely store your mnemonic seed phrase & do not share it with anyone — whoever has access to this, ultimately has access to your funds!

2 Fund Your Account

Once you set up Galleon, make sure your account is properly funded. To fund your account, send the desired amount of XTZ to your “ Manager Address” (e.g. transfer XTZ from an exchange to your wallet).

3 Select InfStones as Validator

Now that you set up Galleon and properly funded your account, you are ready to start the delegation process. Galleon is divided into four main tabs: Transactions, Send, Receive, and Delegate. Head over to the “Delegate” tab in order to start the delegation process.

4 Delegate to InfStones

Paste our Baker address in the “Change Delegate to New Address” input field.

InfStones Baker Address: tz1awXW7wuXy21c66vBudMXQVAPgRnqqwgTH

You can leave the fees as they are. Then click “Change Delegate”.

Confirm the transaction and that’s it. Yay!